Harmony is a family organization app aimed to aid families dealing with separation. Having dealt with this situation in my own life, I created Harmony as a tool that I could’ve used when I was younger. Harmony has traditional features with a more thought-out approach. The features include a weekly agenda, calendar, chat, and family profile.

The Solution


For Harmony, I wanted to make light of a difficult situation. By bringing in lighthearted colors and fun characters, being organized can seem more enjoyable and less daunting. With color coding to associate a task with a certain person and a collaborative calendar and to-do list, Harmony strives to be easy to understand and use.


Harmony is meant to be a family organizational app that combines various elements into one. While it may have traditional features, by being in one place, users are able to knock out all needed tasks in one. Allowing for everyone to be on the same page.

Final Thoughts

While Harmony was a class project, it was a passion project for me. I enjoyed creating something that my younger self needed and that many families today could benefit from. Harmony was created to help families stay organized and make things easier during a time of stress and confusion.


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