The goal was to create something for athletics that would attract more donors and traction than last year’s giving day. This post card would be going out to around 1,000 people and would encourage support for SPU’s athletic programs.

The Solution

Brand Guidelines

Having strict brand guidelines to follow, I had to stay within the limits of SPU’s color and type while creating something fresh that still said SPU but would attract new and old donors.


Keeping in mind SPU’s history with their donors, they have created relationships with many of the donors and we knew the target audience was mostly older. So I created a postcard that could physically be in the hands of these donors as a reminder and encouragement.

The Results

With the postcard being sent out to just shy of 1,000 people two weeks before giving day, we had enough time to spread the word. With the effect of these postcards, we were able to receive more donations than last year’s giving day which was also higher than our goal for this year.


Pomodoro Package Design

